Did you know you can change the owner of a note to yourself or others on your team? Here's how:
Click on the triple dot ... options menu icon next to the share button on your note
Select "Transfer Note Ownership"
Select a member of your team to transfer ownership to
Click Change Owner
By default, the owner of a meeting will become the note owner for any note linked to a calendar event.
Here are just a few scenarios where transfering note ownership would be handy:
Scheduling meetings for other folks on your team and wanting the note to belong to them.
If a member of your team leaves, there is a chance you would like to give someone else full control over one or some of their notes in Dooly.
A user would like to change any of the note header details listed below but does not own the meeting.
Knowing who has note ownership in Dooly is important because there are certain changes to the note header that only the owner can change. These include:
Unlinking or changing the record your note is linked to
Adjusting "Push to Slack" settings on the note
Changing the "Log as" Activity type
Modifying the Meeting the note is linked to
Modifying the attendees of the meeting
FAQs on note ownership
How can I tell who owns a note?
The owner of a note is indicated on the top right hand side of the note, just below the note title. The users avatar and name will be displayed.
How will I know when a note has been transferred to me?
There are currently no notifications made when a note is transferred to you. You will be able to identify notes that you own when your name and avatar appear on the note, and you are able to change header details (they are no longer grayed out).
If I do not own the note, can I transfer note ownership?
Yes, anyone can transfer note ownership to another person, even if they are not the note owner.